Frequently Asked Questions

Will you spend time convincing me that white supremacy and racism exist or that it’s important to change?

No, I will not. Go read a book, attend a seminar or talk to your friends and family. When you are convinced and ready to do the work, and if you think you need extra help, I will welcome you back to this space.

What if I need mental health therapy sessions?

If you are experiencing anxiety, OCD, depression or grief that is interfering with your daily functioning, please find a therapist in your area. This is a good place to start:

Do you do diversity training?


How do I know that you know what you’re doing?

I have over ten years of professional experience sitting with people and helping them navigate difficult emotions while working toward their goals. Over the course of my work, I’ve taken advanced training in childhood development, parenting and family therapy, and numerous trainings on treating anxiety, depression, trauma, and complicated grief.

I’m not new to anti-racism work. I’ve spent over fifteen years dedicated to learning about racism through professional coursework, seminars and workshops, groups, reading, listening, relationships, dialogue, and personal practice. I live this practice every day in myself, my neighborhood and in my family. In partnership with Meta Commerse of Story Medicine, I’ve facilitated workshops with white people over the past year. While I enjoy that work, I am especially passionate about engaging white folks one-on-one using my clinical skills to help them through the deeper layers of bias and white supremacy. I have already been doing this in my regular therapy practice as it comes up and have had good feedback about its effectiveness.

All that being said, I am white, and I come to life with a white lens. I have blind spots. I don’t know everything and I may miss things. Therefore, I am working with a diverse group of mentors who have graciously agreed to consult with me as I continue my education.